Register with us as a new patient


We accept all Cambridge residents and students who live within the practice boundary - see map below to check if your postcode is within our area.  Our list is currently open to new registrations.

If you are eligible for NHS care this is free at the point of access. If you are not eligible for NHS care, or if you require a service that is not funded by the NHS, there may be a fee.


Changes to registration during the Covid-19 pandemic

It is now possible to register with us online, without having to visit the practice. 


For child registrations, please see further information and link below.


Live within our boundary area?

Check your postcode is within our practice area - please contact reception if you are having trouble using this map.


If you are ordinarily a resident in the UK and are already registered within the NHS


You will need to upload proof of address and a proof of identity, please see the form for details.

Once registered you will have the choice of which doctor you see.

If you are registering a child, we would ask that that the mother is a current patient or is registering at the same time. Please bring the relevant documentation if registering a new-born baby. If your child has had immunisations outside of the UK, please bring relevant records if available.




If you are new to either of the universities we would be delighted to take care of your health.

If you are wishing to register with the practice but are currently residing outside of Cambridge, you are welcome to start the registration process, but we will be unable to register you until you have moved to your new permanent address.

If you have not yet arrived in Cambridge, please let us know when you do so that we are able to register you promptly. This applies to both international and UK students.