Long Term Conditions




What we do

For a number of chronic diseases, it is important to have regular checks in order to monitor the condition. This monitoring would often involve a combination of physical health checks, blood tests, and in some cases more focused checks. At Bridge Street we take a team approach to our chronic disease monitoring with the doctors and nursing team working together.

The following information will provide some information on our usual follow-up periods for the more common chronic conditions. It is important that these checks are done, as we will often link our medication reviews to these checks. It will reduce any inconvenience when it comes to ordering your medications if these checks are done on time. 

Image Representing Long Term Condition

Condition Frequency of follow up Detail Flu jab recommended
Asthma Yearly Review with nursing team or GP. Will require doctor review if symptoms are not controlled Y
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Yearly 30 min nurse review including spirometry and then doctor review Y
Coronary heart disease Annual review +/- 6 monthly bloods Nurse review with GP follow up if identified by nursing team Y
Diabetes Yearly + bloods up to 3 monthly 30 min nursing team review including physical checks and bloods followed by GP follow up Y
Hypertension Annual check and 6 month review Nurse review including bloods. Review by GP if identified by nursing team Y
Mental health Yearly for those with significant illness Nurse appointment for physical checks +/- bloods and GP review

Further Long Term Conditions Health Information