Useful Links




Mental Health

  • Samaritans:  Working together to make sure fewer people die by suicide.
  • Need Help Now:  If you are experiencing an emotional or mental health crisis, there are people who can help you.
  • NHS Psychological Wellbeing Service:  CPFT Psychological Wellbeing Service is part of the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services
  • Cogwheel Trust: Cogwheel provides counselling and psychotherapy support for people in Cambridgeshire
  • Centre 33:  Supporting young people up to the age of 25 with mental health, caring responsibilities, housing, sexual health and more.
  • Richmond Fellowship: Richmond Fellowship is a national mental health charity.

Musculoskeletal services


Student Health

  • Nightline: The confidential night-time support service for Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin universities
  • Mind CPSL: Support for University Students

Chronic Diseases


Cancer Information


Family Planning and Sexual Health


Other Useful Links

  • Relate: Relationship Problems
  • Cruse: Bereavement Support
  • Lab Tests Online: Understanding Your Tests
  • Fit For Travel: Information on how to stay safe and healthy abroad
  • Cambridge and Peterborough CCG: We are responsible for planning and buying local NHS services, such as the care you receive at hospital and in the community, as well as ensuring they deliver the best possible care and treatment for patients.
  • NHS Choices: Helping you take control of your health and wellbeing
  • Drinksense: Alcohol advice
  • Research Ready: A quality assurance programme for all research-active UK GP practices
  • Be Part of Research: We are here to help you find out about health and social care research that is taking place across the UK.